RECIPE | Chefs Warehouse Maison Lemon Risotto

Risotto is always on the menu at Chefs Warehouse, featuring local seasonal ingredients. Chef David Schneider shares his recipe for Lemon Risotto with Crispy Fried Cajun Mussels and Chimichurri oil.

Serve with a chilled medium-bodied white wine.


Risotto base:

2 onions, finely diced

4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

4 sprigs fresh thyme

2 kg arborio rice

125g butter

500 ml white wine

2ℓ light chicken or vegetable stock

To finish:

Mussel stock

60ml preserved lemon, finely chopped


Grated parmesan cheese


Cajun spice blend:

6 Bay leaves

15 ml ground white pepper

15 ml ground black pepper

45 ml smoked paprika

15 ml cumin seeds

15 ml coriander seeds

1 cinnamon stick

15 ml yellow mustard seeds

15 ml black mustard seeds

4 cloves

5 star anise

30 ml chilli powder

15ml chilli flakes

15 ml fennel seeds

30 ml brown sugar

30 ml fine salt

15 ml onion powder


Fried mussels:

2kg fresh mussels, cleaned and rinsed

750ml white wine

1 celery stalk and leaves, finely chopped

1 onion, finely chopped

1 leek, chopped

1 bay leaf

10 ml cumin seeds

10 ml fennel seeds

10 ml black pepper


250ml buttermilk

100g corn flour

100g Cajun spice blend

Vegetable oil for frying


Chimichurri dressing:

100g parsley

100g coriander

3 garlic cloves

3 red chillies

15 ml toasted cumin seeds

500 ml vegetable oil


For the risotto base:

1.     Melt butter in a heavy saucepan over a medium heat. Add the garlic, onion, and thyme and cook until the onions are tender and translucent.

2.     Add rice and toast until golden.

3.     Add white wine and cook until all the liquid is absorbed.

4.     Add stock in 200ml increments, stirring continuously until each addition is absorbed. Do not cook the rice all the way through. Set aside.


For the spice blend

1.     Toast all whole seeds in a dry medium warm pan for 5-7minutes until fragrant. Remove from the heat.

2.     Add the powdered spices, combine, and leave to cool.

3.     Grind in a pestle and mortar or spice grinder until fine and combined thoroughly. Store in an airtight container.


For the mussels:

1.     Add the chopped vegetables, spices, and a splash of white wine to a large, deep pot. Cook for 5 minutes until vegetables are translucent.

2.     Add the remaining white wine and bring to the boil.

3.     Add the mussels and cover with a lid. Wait for the liquid to boil.

4.     Set a 10-minute timer and leave mussels to cook, covered with lid.

5.     Stir thoroughly with a large spoon.

6.     Cook at 2-minute intervals until all mussels are cooked. The mussels are cooked when the shells are open.

7.     Drain the mussels, reserving the cooking liquid. Leave the mussels to cool.

8.     When the mussels are cool, pick out all the flesh and discard the shells.

9.     Soak the cooled mussels in buttermilk for 20-30 minutes. Drain.

10.  Combine the corn flour and Cajun spice blend. Coat each mussel in the mixture and fry in vegetable oil at 180C until crispy.


For the chimichurri dressing:

1.     Blend all the ingredients together in a jug blender.

2.     Strain through a sieve or cloth.

3.     Set aside.


To serve:

1.     Heat 90g of risotto base and 60 ml mussel stock per person in a heavy saucepan.

2.     Add a few knobs of butter, some parmesan cheese and lemon preserve. Stir until glossy and the rice is cooked thoroughly.

3.     Add the risotto to serving bowls. Top with crispy mussels and a drizzle of chimichurri oil.



Experience this season’s risotto at Chefs Warehouse at Maison, in the beautiful Franschhoek wine valley.

Plan your visit and book your table here.